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Today we will be tackling another simple way on how to make your home efficient, specifically the pantry. Really, the title should be ‘How To create an Efficient Pantry with just 3 easy rules’ but it seemed to long, so well now you know. So they as follows:

Utilize the whole space

Utilize the whole space from the external doors, internal doors to the inside storage. On the external door, you can put a mirror to make the room feel larger or a chalkboard to write memos ‘reorganize pantry after reading this!’ Place hanging shelves on the internal doors for extra of storage. For the internal or main storage area ‘Keep on reading…

Be Efficient

Oh, yes the main area, first start by thinking about your family and how they will use the space; favorite foods, and height of children for example. Next step layout, leave one area with adjustable shelves in case you buy something with added unexpected height. Install pantry cubes so you can separate your items, for long shelves buy baskets as another means of grouping items. For the lower shelves that are hard to get to install glide out shelves allows access to the very back of your shelf.

Maintain your Style

Always be efficiently stylish! Add a touch of color to the inside of your pantry with a beautiful coat of paint. Add some lighting, create some wonderful shapes with your shelves and finally yet importantly, maintain the order and that in itself is stylish.